In the book of Titus Paul mentions that the gifts of friendship and love are offered every day of the year. This is offered not because of righteous deeds but because of His mercy. How perfect. In this year of mercy, we are God's mercy!
Our first stop is an orphanage. I steel my emotions so I can make it through. I can't entertain the circumstances that brought them here, but too soon we hear: abandonment, abuse, and neglect. As we adore the precious children our hearts melt and compassion wells up in us. At one point I see a young girl who reminds me of my dear spouse at a young age. The lump in my throat comes quickly and only through prayers for this girl am I able to regain my composure. But for the grace of God, it could be any of us here. We try to imagine what thoughts went through a parent's mind as they parted with their children. We realize the hard truth, the children may be better off here. That could be God's mercy.
Today is "children's day at the orphanage. I would think this "celebration" would be every day! We gather outside for a local charity group called the Rebeldes. They perform motorcycle tricks and then setup for animal balloons and face painting. We join in the festivities by giving the excited children gifts of toys, candy, and hair bows. Joy, pure joy is on their faces.
I notice one boy alone with his few gifts sitting alone. We pray that whatever he's been through will soon be healed.
We head to our temporary home at the Hospital Divina Providencia.
Today is "children's day at the orphanage. I would think this "celebration" would be every day! We gather outside for a local charity group called the Rebeldes. They perform motorcycle tricks and then setup for animal balloons and face painting. We join in the festivities by giving the excited children gifts of toys, candy, and hair bows. Joy, pure joy is on their faces.
I notice one boy alone with his few gifts sitting alone. We pray that whatever he's been through will soon be healed.
We head to our temporary home at the Hospital Divina Providencia.
- I can't thank you enough dear Lord for the gift of this day. I never will be able. And so our mission begins - with gratitude, overwhelming gratitude. Not for things. Just for the time and opportunity to serve. To believe for a while that I'm a messenger, sent to spread unconditional love to all I meet on this journey.
James 1:27 - Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. Blessed to be a blessing brother!