Sunday, October 23, 2016

El Salvador Day 3 - 2016

The only difference is opportunity.  We all have different opportunities given to us.  And by the fact that you are reading this, you've obviously been blessed incredibly.  What if you had to survive on $4 a week?  What would your life be like?  Today we found out just a bit of what it is like.

Today we setup our clinic in a new area that we've not been to before but I believe we are likely to return to because the need was so great.  It was a beautiful day in so many ways!

Around our clinic at the John Paul II Center, there are estimated to be about 17,000 families in need.  We learn that there are very visible improvements in the lives of those who are served by the Center. Improvements in school, and especially separation from gangs are but two of the many benefits.

We setup our glasses.  Today I am so very blessed to have an ophthalmologist and my angel interpreter with me.  I immediately realize how much I can learn from the ophthalmologist.  I learn how to be more efficient and accurate, something that will help me all week.  But what I also learn is how much the work we do is needed.  Simply put, few are caring for the eyes of the poor in El Salvador.

When you ask someone to try a pair of glasses on and when they can see, after suffering with poor vision, the smiles come!  I am addicted to seeing these smiles.  It is so good to be in the smile creation business.  Everyone here shares this business with me and our smile-o-meter is off the charts today.  Here is one example.

When some young girls come by with their mom, we help create some more smiles.

And this is something we seem to be getting good at.

When we break for lunch, the children from the center treat us to some dancing and a beautiful thank you card for all of us.  (Those of you from Houston will better understand when I tell you that we are at the Nehemiah Center" of El Salvador today.). The JP II Center serves a nearly identical need for at risk youth.

As I walk back from our lunch area I take a few pictures of our surroundings.

This is a typical home in the area.

And I am so happy to see a bouncy house for the celebration of this special day.  I am so glad that the children have something so fun even if it is just for one day.  More smiles too.

In the shortened day we are able to serve 107 people!  Obviously a result of the expert help I have today.

Lord, I am so thankful for the opportunity that you have provided to create smiles today.  I believe that you too smile when we love like you and give the gift of smiles.  Help me to remember that I can be your missionary just by making someone smile. Amen.

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