You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Mt 22:39
Inspiration, noun, 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. 2. The divine influence believed to have lead to the writing of the Bible. 3. The drawing in of breath.
Love of neighbor and divine inspiration were very alive and well today. After some time to spiritually and mentally charge up our batteries, we went out and brought the gospel to the community of San Juan Tepezontes. We form ourselves into nine groups and begin to visit homes. I try to imagine what it would be like in the U.S. In my home town there would have been many slammed doors. Of the approximately 85 homes we visited today, only one turned us away. Our experiences were all truly amazing and beautiful. Can it really be this simple? Yes, most definitely yes, it can. As we announce ourselves and our mission, our reception is very warm. As chairs are gathered, we are invited to sit down. We ask what we might pray for with them and they pour out their difficulties. We listen with compassion and open hearts. A family with a young boy warms my heart. The grandmother in particular is so happy we have visited. The Spirit urges me to give the young boy a rosary I made that is identical to my personal rosary. I explain that his rosary is identical to mine. The local youth that support us are simply awesome. Their boldness in loving as Christ enkindles all of us. In one home a man has survived kidney cancer for five years so far and his wife has severe knee pain. After we pray with them for healing, his good friend arrives and provides a beautiful, inspiring testimony about God's healing grace in his friend's life. A picture of this couple is attached.

We visit a home of a man who lives alone. He is reluctant to invite us in or accept our prayers. He explains that he lives alone, drinks too much, does not go to church, and...yes, some prayer might be good. He cleans up a bit and opens his home to us. We sense his loneliness as we ask him what we can pray for and he responds as he crosses his forearms and clenches his fist "whatever." His bitterness seems to soften by the time we have finished praying and we hope that God's love will penetrate his heart. Our last stop is a very meager home with a tin roof and dirt floor (see picture). We are introduced to a 92 year old man who was once the sacristan at church who can no longer make the short journey to church due to his weakened state. The family smiles and smiles as we are offered chairs and circle them around fresh bean hulls that are piled up on the dirt floor. Father John provides anointing of the sick to the man and we offer our continued prayers for the whole family. One thing is striking, this was the poorest home we visited, but it was most certainly filled with peace and love.

As we gather back together and tell the stories of our visits, our hearts sing of God's love. We have truly been inspired by many things today. Our week of service ahead will now be overflowing with our love joined with God's. When the tribulations come, we can rest assured that love will conquer all. We're ready now. Let's go.
All our love from El Salvador!