Friday, November 1, 2013

El Salvador - Day 8 - 2013 (Final Day)

Although only half a day, today brought many blessings.   It would be up to me alone to help people with glasses, something I had not done by myself yet.  Because I learned about this at the last minute, I was not mentally prepared, so I needed lots of help.  I was convinced that God had something in mind, and immediately started praying. My angel interpreter was with me again and it made all the difference in the world!  We were so blessed to be able to help everyone who had an appointment find glasses as promised!  I believe that God wanted me to experience this feeling of helping someone in this way, and He made our work so easy and stress free.  There was a farmer who had poor vision who was so kind, gracious and thankful.  We were able to help him. He reminded me of my grandfather a bit.  He is a great example of why we are here. 

I learned about an amazing project on the ground here that helps provide shoes to those who don't have any shoes.  For $2 people can but a pair of shoes for the needy (kinda like Tom's, but cheaper).  I met some of the family members who are supporting the effort here locally, and their faith and dedication inspires me so much.  We could learn so much from their efforts.  They are truly dedicated and doing God's work with incredible zeal.

Our downtime was welcome and I have included a couple of pictures that sum it up.

There are many, many beautiful stories from this trip.  I will be so honored to share these stories for months and years to come.  In particular, my angel interpreter, who reminded me so much of my daughter, turned out to have many things in common with my daughter.  Too many to be a coincidence. Besides, I don't believe there are coincidences; they always are just another way of God saying that He is with me every moment, that he cares intensely about me and what I am doing to be faithful.  A spiritual hug is really what is happening.

All along, I thought that I was just serving others, but in the end God had much bigger plans.  Through my angel, God reached deeply into my heart and healed part of me that needed healing; healing that I did not even know I needed.  For that I am so very thankful.

I'll be back, the good Lord willing, I will be back.